Monday, February 21, 2011

fruit wallpaper border

    Hanging Wallpaper Border Just Requires Planning

    Planning before handling your wallpaper border will make all the difference. Purchasing the correct amount of border, gathering tools, and have a helping hand will help you get the professional look you want.

    Some things you might need: Measuring Tape, Ladder, Work Table and / or Cutting Board, Bowl or the Paint Tray to hold Water, Sponge, Adhesive Paste or Activator, Scissors or Utility Knife, Ruler and Level, Chalk line or laser, Seam Roller, A Rag Soft, Push Pin and of course your Wallpaper DG.

    Step 1
    Always remember the adage: ". Measure twice and cut once" Plan the amount of paper you will need to allow 2 to 4 feet extra for pattern matching at each wall. Paper overstate your needs.

    Step 2
    If you plan for the border under the ceiling height, you will need to measure the distance you want and use the channel to indicate where the paper will. A chalk line can be used or laser will help you stay at the correct height.

    Step 3
    Start the border in a corner or look less at the location where each pattern does not match will not be too obvious (a corner or behind the door). Flatten the long border wall allowing about 1 "extra on both ends (to assist in matching patterns) Mark the paper. And using the straight edge cut a very straight line. Remember measure twice and
    cut once!

    Step 4
    Depending on the type of paper you have, it is time to prepare a paper to hang. Pre-taped Text Paper: Roll up the length of the glue cut out the borders and place in water with a pattern / outside roll in your fingers. Immediately begin to slowly unroll the paper so that it all wet. Let drip a few seconds and then folding in on himself. Be sure to match the edge. Non-Text taped Paper: Apply a paste or drive to the border and gently fold accordion style for easy handling while hanging. Be careful not to crease the border, because the crease will show afterwards. This paper will be easier to hang if allowed to rest a few
    minutes to relax it.

    Step 5
    With your step ladder in place, began to hang the border starting at the point of leaving about 1 "or less wrap angle Use a damp sponge smooth out air bubbles as you go .. Have someone hold the extra border or use push pins to hold the paper when you put the border on wall. You should be able to gently push the border into just the right place.

    Step 6
    Hang the two border strips and carefully in accordance with the patterns and stitches. Start with about 2 "overlap and cut two pieces of the border by using the straight edge as a guide carefully remove the extra material and use the seam roller to sm
    ooth out the seams .. If you could go from end to end, seeing the pattern applied to the border and found pattern matches in the new roll and Mark. cut with straight edges so that the pattern that fits in the corner.

    Step 7
    Continue around the room carefully matching the pattern and create a smooth appearance. If you need to deal with a corner in, overlapping the first strip by 1 to 2 ", and use white glue or adhesive quality vinyl-to-vinyl to prevent overlaps come apart as you shift house from time to time. Simply wrap the border around the corner outside. Overlap new strip on old strip required in the final corner to hide the seam end.

    Step 8
    wallpaper border you should dry in 24 hours. Now sit back and enjoy your work.
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