Thursday, December 16, 2010

sports wallpaper borders

    Wallpaper - Inexpensive, Easy, Beautiful

    In this global economic crisis we are presently
    going through, it is nice to know that you can still beautify your surroundings
    on a limited budget. But don't get me wrong. This does not mean that just
    because you did not spend a lot of money, your home has to look like it came
    from the bargain basement. There is one word that can change the overall look of
    your home for the better. That one word is wallpaper.

    To make wallpaper extremely easy to understand, I'm going to go over Color
    Groups, Design Groups, Types, Materials and Features. By the time I'm finished
    you will be an expert on Wallpaper.

    Okay, so here we go. When it comes to color groups, you have every shade
    imaginable. The following Color Groups represent the full spectrum of color
    shades for each color. The colors are blues, browns, greens, neutrals, oranges,
    purples, reds and yellows. You should be able to find the perfect shade of color
    you are looking for from the basic colors stated above.

    So now we will take a look at the different Design Groups. In alphabetical order
    they are Accents and Accessories, American/Armed Forces, Animals and Insects,
    Art and Architecture, Cities/States/Countries, Clothing and Accessories,
    Fruits/Vegetables/Foods/Beverages, Furnishings and Household Items, Games and
    Recreation, Kids, Kitchens, Men, Music, Other (See for yourself), People,
    Plaids/Stripes/Faux and Natural Finishes, Plants and Flowers, Religious, Shapes,
    Space, Sports, Themes and Eras, and Vehicles.

    If there are any Design Groups that you feel we left out, see "Other" and I'm
    sure your category will be included there.

    So now we've come to Type. Under the category of "Type" you have Accessory,
    Border, Border Mural, Fabric, Mural, and Wallpaper. Each of these types has a
    plethora of examples to choose from. They say that variety is the spice of life.

    At this point we will go over the different materials these wallpapers are made
    from. You have a choice of Expand Vinyl, Fabric Backed Vinyl, Foil, Grass Cloth,
    Hand Print, Solid Vinyl, String, Vinyl, and Vinyl Coated. Each of these
    materials are pretty much self explanatory.

    Features are important. You might make your final decision on what wallpaper you
    want with a heavy consideration on feature. Your choices on features are
    Peelable, Prepasted, Scrubbable, Strippable, and Washable. You can see how
    important this may be according to your situation.

    By now you're probably saying to yourself, "Wow! I did learn a lot about
    wallpaper in this article." You certainly did learn that you a great deal of
    choices. You also know that you can put an entirely new look to your home for a
    very reasonable cost.

    So go ahead. Research and explore your possibilities. See what will work. Make
    an educated decision. Your end result will be something that will make you feel
    proud and all who see your new wallpaper will compliment you on a job well done.Source URL:
    Visit Options Wallpaper for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

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